After one of our greeters helps you find any children’s classes or nursery facilities that you might need, you can choose your seat in the Main Auditorium. Our service will be about an hour, and we’ll do our best to start and end on time.
We’ll pray together. You’re welcome to pray along silently or just observe.
We’ll sing songs. The lyrics will be up on our screens and available in our hymnals. Feel free to join in or just listen.
We’ll receive an offering. This is for our members, but if you want to, you can contribute financially as the offering plate passes by or online through your mobile device.
Someone will preach a message from the Bible. He’ll read a Bible passage, explain its meaning, and show you how you can practically apply it.
We’ll have an invitation (a time for people to respond to the message’s call to action). People may come forward and pray quietly in the front of the church. Many people will pray in their seats or sing the selected song.
If someone is choosing to believe on Christ, get baptized, or join the church, he or she comes forward and speaks with the pastor during this time, too. There’s no pressure on you to do anything – just respond as God leads you.